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Conditional CHECK constraint

In Postgresql 11.5 I want to have a table store file hashes and their respective filenames, as well as a date as to when this information was processed. Instead of having an available BOOLEAN column I would rather put DELETED! into the crc32 column.

Like this table:

 filename |  crc32   |   date
 FOO.doc  | 005929FA | 2015-03-14
 bar.txt  | C5907C6A | 2015-03-14
 FOO.doc  | 2AF317BB | 2016-08-22
 bar.txt  | DELETED! | 2018-11-30
 bar.txt  | AC0132D9 | 2019-09-10

This table shows the file history from a directory.

  • 1st run: FOO.doc was checked first and its hash (at the time) was added. Same deal with bar.txt.
  • 2nd run: FOO.doc's hash changed so a second entry was added. bar.txt's entry was left alone since its hash remained the same.
  • 3rd run: bar.txt was deleted, FOO.doc remained untouched since last time.
  • 4th run: bar.txt was added again and FOO.doc remained untouched again.

The thing about this table is, I have a CHECK constraint that allows only this regex to be entered into the crc32 column: ^[0-9A-F]{8}$|^DELETED\!$

I want to make this a bit stricter. I want Postgresql to error out when I try to use DELETED! if the file was never in the table before. So if I try adding an entry like: INSERT INTO hist VALUES ('egg.txt', 'DELETED!', '2019-09-23'); it will error out. If I try INSERT INTO hist VALUES ('FOO.doc', 'DELETED!', '2019-09-23'); it will work since FOO.doc was there already.

So basically DELETED! can only be used when the file in question already has an entry in the table.

Is this possible? I hope this makes sense. If I didn't explain this enough let me know. Thanks.


  • I added this CHECK constraint and it appears to work.

    CHECK (crc32 IS NULL AND is_deleted = 't' OR crc32 IS NOT NULL AND is_deleted = 'f')