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SQL Server Express & sqlcmd : could not find stored procedure

I inherited a database that lives in a SQL Server Express instance and realized it wasn't getting backed up. Since it is SQL Server Express and there isn't a SQL Server Agent, I found this article describing how to automate backups.

The backup script works correctly and I can run the stored procedure successfully from SQL Server Management Studio to create the backups. My trouble starts at Step B, using sqlcmd.

No matter what I do, it just errors saying

Could not find stored procedure 'dbo.sp_backupDatabases'

enter image description here

The stored procedure exists in the master DB:

enter image description here

Also, I tested running the command using one of the system stored procedures, and it executes those fine as well. It just can't seem to find this custom stored procedure I created.

I've also run this command:

select * from information_schema.routines

and my stored procedure is found in one of the records.

Any help is appreciated!


  • It looks like an issue with name resolution. I would try to skip database/schema name i.e:

    EXEC sp_backupDatabases ...