The background information is that I want to implement my own HashMap object by pyhton for C extension.
But When I finished 'hashmap.c' and used 'distutils' to compile it as a module, I found something wrong with 'undefined reference to _Py_GC_generation0'.
'_Py_GC_generation0' is quoted at 'objimpl.h', code show as below:
typedef union _gc_head {
struct {
union _gc_head *gc_next;
union _gc_head *gc_prev;
Py_ssize_t gc_refs;
} gc;
double dummy; /* force worst-case alignment */
} PyGC_Head;
extern PyGC_Head *_PyGC_generation0;
'_PyGC_generation0' is actually defined at 'gcmodule.c', code show as below:
static struct gc_generation generations[NUM_GENERATIONS] = {
/* PyGC_Head, threshold, count */
{{{GEN_HEAD(0), GEN_HEAD(0), 0}}, 700, 0},
{{{GEN_HEAD(1), GEN_HEAD(1), 0}}, 10, 0},
{{{GEN_HEAD(2), GEN_HEAD(2), 0}}, 10, 0},
PyGC_Head *_PyGC_generation0 = GEN_HEAD(0);
I tried to build with 'python3.lib' and 'python36.lib' but it didn't work, It still reported the error 'undefined reference to _Py_GC_generation0'
Here is my code for build the module(the path is correct):
from distutils.core import setup, Extension
hashmap = Extension('hashmap',
libraries=['python3', 'python36'],
library_dirs = ['E:\\python3.6.6'],
sources = ['hashmap.c']
name = 'C extension module',
version = '1.0',
description = 'hashmap',
ext_modules = [hashmap])
Thank you all!
as @DavidW said, I should not specify the Python libraries. I got the answer on python doc. I should only change '_Py_GC_Track()' to 'Py_GC_Track()', the reason as the picture:enter image description here