Cant solve this error, need a little help. In fact I find understand this error and why its happening. Im using dictionary to create prefixes for my list.
func cretaeExtendedTableViewData() {
// ...
for country in self.countriesList {
let countryKey = String( // USA > U
if var countryValues = countriesDictionary[countryKey] {
countriesDictionary[countryKey] = countryValues
} else {
// ...
Seems like you are trying to group countries by the first character of their names. Dictionary
has a dedicate initializer for grouping elements of an array with the given condition:
let grouped = Dictionary(grouping: countriesList) {
let countriesList = [
["name": "USA"],
["name": "UAE"],
["name": "Italy"],
["name": "Iran"]
let grouped = Dictionary(grouping: countriesList) {
[ "I": [
["name": "Italy"],
["name": "Iran"]
"U": [
["name": "USA"],
["name": "UAE"]