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Angular Material cdk-container and main site fixed header z-index override

I have site with fixed header in angular material with z-index of 1100.

While i have some mat-menu in my site which overlap the header with z-index:1200 and had class cdk-overlay-container (angular material class) which is default behavior.

To override this i just decrease the cdk-overlay-container z-index to 1000 so that it go behind the fixed header and all things ok to me.


But when i open my material dialog which uses same cdk-overlay-container and same z-index it shows my fixed header above that overlay because of its high z-index, So any idea how to achieve the above scenario by adding different class to cdk-overlay-container so that my mat-menu goes behind the fixed header but my mat-dialog above all content.

Screen shoots

Normal scenario

Problem scenario

I have one solution by type-script(that when dialog show lower the z-index of header) but i need some pure CSS solution.



  • I figured it out my self

    Just override the z-index of cdk-overlay-container

    In your style.scss

      z-index:999; //lower then fixed header z-index so it goes behind it

    and in your component dialog.scss

       z-index:2000 !important; //higher then fixed header z-index so it comes above
