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How to create a RESTful Handler that accepts both POST and GET?

I want API support for:

GET /api/spam/{id}

POST /api/spam
body: {'name': 'green spam'}

I would normally route to a Handler by:

webapp.WSGIApplication([r'/api/spam/(.*)', APISpam])

class APISpam(RequestHandler):
    def get(self, id):
       # do stuff

    def post(self):
       # do stuff

But the post fails because it's expecting a second argument. What is the best design pattern to accommodate RESTful url patterns to Handlers for each type of resource?


It is being pointed out that the uri examples above represent a collection (/spam) and an element (/spam/{id}). That is not my intention. Both uri examples are for the element spam, one is to GET a specific spam, and the other is to POST a new spam. The reason I am not using /spam/{id} for the POST is because I am creating a new spam, and therefore do not have an id.


  • Normally you'd simply make them separate handlers: As Sebastian points out, they're different resources - the collection itself, vs one element of the collection.

    If you must use the same handler, though, you can supply a default argument:

    class APISpam(RequestHandler):
      def get(self, id=None):
        # do stuff
      def post(self, id=None):
        # do stuff
    application = webapp.WSGIApplication([r'/api/spam(?:/(.*))?'])

    Both get and post handlers will be callable without an ID, though - in all likelihood, you really should use separate handlers.