I want to know whether Amazon DocumentDB is compatible with the BI-Connector or not?
Good new that Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) is now available in the Asia Pacific (Singapore) region. And this region is target for me. https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2019/10/amazon-documentdb-available-in-asia-pacific-region/
Please give me advice. Thanks
AWS DocumentDB is compatible with the BI-Connector.
DocumentDB engine is same as MongoDB.
But, DocumentDB can't get public IP and public access. So, we can't connect it in external.
See :
Here's a document about
Connecting to an Amazon DocumentDB Cluster from Outside an Amazon VPC
If you connect DocumentDB using external application, should to use SSH tunneling
First, make EC2 instance in same VPC.
Second, install openssh-server
to that instance.
third, config your PC with SSH tunneling
. and Run your application
See :
Here's a document about
SSH tunneling