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RxSwift: How can I change Bool to ObservableType?

I am new to RxSwift and I want to achieve this:

A titleTextField,a descTextField,a confirmButton and a submitButton.

The submitButton is unEnable until titleTextField and descTextField's text.count >= 5 and confirmButton is selected, so I write these code:

let titleValid = { (text) -> Bool in
    return text.count >= 5

let descValid = { (text) -> Bool in
    return text.count >= 5

let isConfirm = confirmButton.rx.isSelected.asObserver().mapObserver { (selected) -> Bool in
    return selected

Observable.combineLatest(titleValid, descValid, isConfirm) { $0 && $1 && $2 }.bind(to: submitButton.rx.isEnabled).disposed(by: disposeBag)

It's work good with titleValid and descValid,however,there is an error with isConfirm:

Argument type 'AnyObserver<Bool>' does not conform to expected type 'ObservableType'

How can I change isConfirm to ObservableType? How to Correct it?

Note the RxSwift's version is 5.0.0


  • The comments contains your answer. It's the tapping of the confirmButton that's important.

    let titleValid = { (text) -> Bool in
        return text.count >= 5
    let descValid = { (text) -> Bool in
        return text.count >= 5
    let isConfirm = confirmButton.rx.tap
        .scan(false) { current, _ in !current }
        .bind(to: confirmButton.rx.isSelected)
        .disposed(by: disposeBag)
    Observable.combineLatest(titleValid, descValid, isConfirm) { $0 && $1 && $2 }
        .bind(to: submitButton.rx.isEnabled)
        .disposed(by: disposeBag)