<select class="form-control form-control-sm" formControlName="appDeptId" [(ngModel)]="appDeptId"
<option [value]=null>Please Select</option>
<option *ngFor="let type of appDepartments" [value]="type.deptId">{{type.deptName}}
appDeptId: number;
if (this.appDeptId != null) { // if fails for null
console.log("this.appDeptId :"+this.appDeptId); // this displays null
Here even though the value of appDeptId id null, it still enters the if condition and prints null. How can I solve this.
You if condition is get null as string so you are comparing null!='null'
actually so change your condition to
if(deviceValue != null && deviceValue != 'null'){
should work