I'm receiving these kinds of values from API: "2019092300000000"
as a date to be properly formated: into the "dd/mm/yyyy" format.
// The below line of code fetches the above value from API.
this.releaseDate= this.selectedNote.dataUno["0"].releaseDate;
I'm trying to apply Angular date pipe transform, but I get a very weird date if I feed the pipe transform with that long string:
this.releaseDate, "dd/mm/yyyy"
this outputs this: 27/13/65952
, which is wrong.
Then I tried to store the value in a variable and apply the slice method to remove the zeroes like this:
this.releaseDateSliced = this.releaseDate.slice(0, 8); // this removes the zeroes.
and if I print this.fechaEmisionSliced
in console, actually I get this 20190923
which seems to be a valid value to transform using angular date pipe.
But after applying the date pipe like this:
I get this date: 01/36/1970
which obviously is wrong.
How can I accomplish to properly format the date?
Since this is not a proper timestamp of seconds/milliseconds, you should parse it as a string and just build the date.
Here is one way of doing it:
var dateStr = '2019092300000000';
var year = Number(dateStr.substring(0, 4))
var month = Number(dateStr.substring(4, 6)) - 1
var day = Number(dateStr.substring(6, 8)) + 1
var date = new Date(year, month, day);