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if let url = URL(string:"") always getting fail for .JPEG images

if let url = URL(string: " borkar_199.jpeg"){} 

is always getting fail when the file extension is .jpeg . i have tried with .png it works fine only . URL(string:) is not giving url object when extension is .jpeg. please help.


  • You need to encode the urlString to handle the whitespaces. Use addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters:) method on the urlString, i.e.

    let str = " borkar_199.jpeg"
    if let urlString = str.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: .urlQueryAllowed), let url = URL(string: urlString) {
        //add your code here...


    Returns a new string made from the receiver by replacing all characters not in the specified set with percent-encoded characters.

    Refer this to know more about addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters:) method.