I am using this piece of code for a if statement:
for col in df2.columns:
a = np.array(df2[col])
p98 = stats.scoreatpercentile(a, 98)
p5 = stats.scoreatpercentile(a, 5)
maxv = df2.max(axis=0)
minv = df2.min(axis=0)
ratiomax = maxv/p98
ratiomin = minv/p5
if (ratiomax <= 1.1).bool() == True:
maxv = maxv
else: maxv = p98
if ratiomin <= 0.2:
minv = minv
else: minv = 95
Neither type of if statement are working and throwing the error:
ValueError: The truth value of a Series is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all()
The solutions given earlier on this error are np.where and choosing selective values from dataframe but mine is about if statement.
Please help.
There are a few strange code pieces:
for col in df2.columns:
a = np.array(df2[col])
p98 = stats.scoreatpercentile(a, 98)
p5 = stats.scoreatpercentile(a, 5)
maxv = df2.max(axis=0)
minv = df2.min(axis=0)
ratiomax = maxv/p98
ratiomin = minv/p5
# no need for bool() conversion
# maxv = maxv ... eles is unnecessary
# this is the shorter version of your code:
if not ratiomax <= 1.1:
maxv = p98
# same here
if not ratiomin <= 0.2:
minv = 95
Untested due to missing sample values of df2, np and stats