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Azure CLI publish python app function error Can't find app with name

Trying to publish a Python Azure function app to Azure and getting this error:

(.venv) PS C:\Users\jmatson\source\repos\funtionAppPythonGetInSiteTasks> func azure functionapp publish functionAppPythonGetInSiteTasks --remote

Can't find app with name "functionAppPythonGetInSiteTasks"

Directory structure: 

    Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
    ----                -------------         ------ ----
    d-----        3/10/2019  11:06 AM                .venv
    d-----        3/10/2019  11:04 AM                .vscode
    d-----        3/10/2019  11:25 AM                functionAppPythonGetInSiteTasks
    -a----        3/10/2019  11:03 AM              2 .funcignore
    -a----        3/10/2019  11:03 AM            437 .gitignore
    -a----        3/10/2019  11:03 AM             27 host.json
    -a----        3/10/2019  11:21 AM            297 local.settings.json
    -a----        3/10/2019  12:44 PM            612 requirements.txt

Sub directory:

    Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
    ----                -------------         ------ ----
    d-----        3/10/2019  12:42 PM                __pycache__
    -a----        3/10/2019  11:04 AM            333 function.json
    -a----        3/10/2019  12:43 PM           1080

Empty function app exists in Azure:

enter image description here


  • I couldn't help but notice that the names of the function mentioned in your publish command and the one that exists on Azure mismatch (functionAppPythonGetInSiteTasks vs funtionAppPythonGetInSiteTasks). Could be a trivial observation, but try with the exact name?