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LanguageExt Fold list of eithers to one either

I have a function that performs a set of queries, each returning an Either<Error, Result>. I collect these into a List<>. I want to fold these individual return values together so that the overall return result is a Either<Error, List<Result>>. I got this far;

class Error
    string Message { get; set; }
    List<Error> ChildErrors { get; set; }

class Result

Either<Error, List<Result>> GetResults(List<string> queries)
    var internalResults = new List<Either<Error, Result>>();

    foreach (string query in queries)

    var initialState = (new List<Error>(), new List<Result>());

    (List<Error> errors, List<Result> events) =
        internalResults.Fold(initialState, (state, item) =>
        (List<Error> err, List<Result> res) = state;
        item.Right(i => res.Add(i)).Left(e => err.Add(e));
        return (err, res);

    if (errors.Count > 0)
        var groupedError = new Error {
            Message = "One or more problems encountered",
            ChildErrors = errors

        return Left<Error, List<Result>>(groupedError);

    return Right<Error, List<Result>>(events);

I believe it should work but it is not particularly elegant. There must be a better way to do it (i.e. more monadic). Any clues?


  • You should replace System.Collections.Generic.List by one of the LanguageExt data types, e.g. Seq or Lst or Arr ...

    I used Seq here for illustration purposes. You can convert a IEnumerable to Seq by using ToSeq() extension, too.

    Then you can use Sequence like here without any hassle:

    class Error
        string Message { get; set; }
        Seq<Error> ChildErrors { get; set; }
    class Result
    private static Either<Error, Result> GetResultForQuery(string query) =>
        throw new NotImplementedException();
    Either<Error, Seq<Result>> GetResults(Seq<string> queries)
        Seq<Either<Error, Result>> internalResults = queries.Map(GetResultForQuery);
        return internalResults.Sequence();
    Either<Error, Seq<Result>> GetResults2(Seq<string> queries) =>

    GetResults2 is just a short version of GetResults.