I have a raspberry pi configured to boot chromium full screen which works great. However, I want my non-techy user to update the website by simply editing a file on the desktop.
# Link to the settings file on the desktop
source /home/pi/Desktop/websetup.config
# start chromium
@chromium --noerrdialogs --kiosk $website --incognito
I would like to have a setup file on the desktop which my user can update the website and overscanning etc without directly editing any config files above:
# Enter website to show
# Overscanning on = 1, turn off = 0
I, however, can output $website from a .sh bash but I cannot work out how to pass the value $website to chromium as I cannot pass the actual value
ok, I have managed to work it out. I created a script called run_chromium.sh:
## this file is referenced in: /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart
## website to show
## 0=overscanning off, 1=on
and I linked to this script in autostart:
/bin/bash /home/pi/Desktop/run_chromium.sh