I am automating my project using page object model. But I noticed that whenever I am writing two different scenarios to be automated for same page object, I need to initialize elements for that test case each time I write the test case using Pagefactory.initElements method. Is there any way so that this can be initialized only once and can be reused in all test cases ?
I tried to make reference variable i.e. for e.g. "manorgpom ort=PageFactory.initElements(getdriver(), manorgpom.class);" ort to be static but it is giving null pointer exception. I initialized them outside my test cases and made the reference variable static but to no success.
public void orgact() throws Exception {
manorgpom ort=PageFactory.initElements(getdriver(), manorgpom.class);
getdriver().manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
public void orgadd() throws Exception{
manorgpom ort=PageFactory.initElements(getdriver(), manorgpom.class);
getdriver().manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
If you see above I need to initialize web elements each time I write test case. Each time I need to mention "manorgpom ort=PageFactory.initElements(getdriver(), manorgpom.class);". I want to optimize this.
This is the manageorgpom class snippet.
public class manorgpom extends Basetest{
WebElement orglink;
@FindBy(xpath="//*[@class='anticon anticon-filter']")
WebElement filter;
@FindBy(xpath="//*[@placeholder='e.g. High School USA']")
WebElement filternametxt;
WebElement activatelink;
@FindBy(xpath="//*[@placeholder='e.g. Johnny']")
WebElement contactfirstname;
When I made the ort reference variable static, I am getting java.lang.nullPointerException each time I run the suite. Please help me.
Thats because your webDriver is geting instantiated everytime. You need to make it singleton and use only one instance of the webDriver.
public class driverSingleton {
private static final webDriver instance = new ChromeDriver(); //just for example
//private constructor to avoid client applications to use constructor private EagerInitializedSingleton(){}
public static driverSingleton getInstance(){ return instance;