There seems to be a difference in regex behavior when comiling code using regex and gnu extensions.
The following code produces an exception when compiliing with -std=c++11, however -std=gnu++11 works:
#include <regex>
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
std::string rex { "\\[1\\]" };
std::string str { "[1]" };
std::regex regex(rex, std::regex::extended);
auto match = std::regex_match(str.begin(), str.end(), regex);
std::cout << "Result is " << match << std::endl;
return 0;
I tried gcc from 4.9.4 up to 9.2 with same behavior. Any ideas why this code behaves differently?
uses extended POSIX regular expressions. According to those syntax rules, a backslash can only precede a "special character", which is one of .[\()*+?{|^$
. While a left bracket [
is a special character, the right bracket ]
is not. So your regular expression should be "\\[1]"
instead of "\\[1\\]"
to be standard-compliant.
Looking at the standard library source code, there is the following in regex_scanner.tcc:
#ifdef __STRICT_ANSI__
// POSIX says it is undefined to escape ordinary characters
"Unexpected escape character.");
_M_token = _S_token_ord_char;
_M_value.assign(1, __c);
Which shows that it is a GNU extension to allow escaping non-special characters. I don't know where this extension is documented.