I have a table which contains X,Y Coordinates of each shop. I want to find min distance with each other. I mean nearest shop.
For Ex: (Desired Output)
Shop_ID Nearest_Shop_ID
Shop_1 Shop_5
Shop_2 Shop_8
Shop_3 Shop_4
Select SHOP_ID, Longtitude, Latitude From PARTNER_ADDRESSES
group by SHOP_ID, Longtitude, Latitude;
This is my shop coordinates table;
38599 32.815282 39.882793
38613 25.965545 42.166315
38682 31.845157 37.419859
38686 34.027568 38.370871
I have a formula which could calculate distance between two location (with using latitude and longtitude). This is the formula;
(NVL(6387.7,0) * ACOS((sin(NVL(Latitude1,0) / 57.29577951) * SIN(NVL(Latitude2,0) / 57.29577951)) +
(COS(NVL(Latitude1,0) / 57.29577951) * COS(NVL(Latitude2,0) / 57.29577951) *
COS(NVL(Longtitude2,0) / 57.29577951 - NVL(Longtitude1,0)/ 57.29577951))))
Latitude1 : Shop 1's Latitude value
Longtitude1: Shop 1's Longtitude value
Latitude2 : Shop 2's Latitude value
Longtitude2: Shop 2's Longtitude value
Is it possible to write this kind of sql which will calculate each shop distances and list min distance value for each shop?
You can use self join
and analytical function
Select s1, s2 from
(Select a1.shop_id as s1, a2.shop_id as s2,
over (partition by a1.shop_id
Order by <your_formula>) as rn
From partner_adresses a1
Join partner_adresses a2
On (a1.shop_id <> a2.shop_id))
Where rn = 1;