On the EEPROM the pincode 1234 is written as bytes. Now I want to read out the pincode and write it to an array of type char and print it on the serial monitor, but I only get this rectangles like in the picture. But if I print it directly to the serial monitor with "Serial.print(EEPROM.read(i));" I get "1234". serial monitor
const byte PINLENGTH = 4;
char pinCode[PINLENGTH+1];
void setup() {
for ( int i = 0; i < PINLENGTH; ++i ){
pinCode[i] = (char) EEPROM.read(i);
void loop() {
Try this:
const byte PINLENGTH = 4;
char pinCode[PINLENGTH+1];
void setup() {
for ( int i = 0; i < PINLENGTH; ++i ){
pinCode[i] = (char) EEPROM.read(i) + '0'; // <- Note +'0'
The point here is that the values read from the EEPROM are probably binary, and adding '0'
converts them to ASCII.