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Filters in VTK for exact vessel segmentation

I do not want to use ITK for segmentation .Is there any filters in VTK to perform precised vessel segmentation for MIP(Maximum intensity projection)Dicom images.

I tried by installing itk but i have done my code in visual studio 8 and the latest version of itk is not supported in VS-8.So i imported my vs-8 project to Visual studio 2015,but there are so many errors in them ,i spend many days correcting that error but no use.

That's why i am asking whether there any filters in VTK to segment the blood vessels?


  • VTK is mostly used for visualization and less for processing the data. What you are looking for is called a "vesselness filter". There are a few implementations of such a filter on github: The first one,, seems to use only openCV so I guess that could be a good choice for you if you want to limit your dependencies.

    Edit: There is a library called VMTK for vessels analysis. It's based on VTK and it includes a vesselnessfilter. You can directly input VTK image data, so I guess that's the closest framework that can find! Also some other features of the library might be of interest to you. Look here: