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How to asynchronous call function with the result of foreach loop

I have a function that loops over an array of objects and builds an object depending on some parameters. It should return the build object which represents a state object of a component that I will set. However, I would like to use the Array.foreach but I have no idea how to call the function after the foreach loop is done.

The function looks something like this:

 buildStateObject= (someArray: Array) => {
    let stateobject= {};
    someArray.foreach(item => {
      switch (item.Someparameter) {
        case 1:
          stateobject.someProp1= item.message;
        case 2:
          stateobject.someProp2= item.message;
        // code omitted

     return stateobject;

and in my component I have something like this which obviously does not work :


So what I am looking for is something like this:


I tried to figure this out but I was not able to. I am also not sure if this is a good practice todo.


@PaulJanicki thank you for pointing the error out. There were just type errors. However one error you pointed out was also in my code which results in a Unhandled promise rejection and I assumed this was because the forEach was async and the result was not yet processed.

The problem was a type error foreach instead of the correct forEach


  • You are missing the return statement outside of the forEach method, in the buildStateObject function. Also forEach should be camelCase.

     function buildStateObject(someArray) {
      let stateobject = {};
      someArray.forEach(item => {
        switch (item.someparameter) {
          case 1:
            stateobject.someProp= item.message;
          case 2:
            stateobject.someProp= item.message;
          // code omitted
      return stateobject;
    function setState(state) {
    var someJson = [{
      message: 'first',
      someparameter: 1
    }, {
      message: 'second',
      someparameter: 2

    Also consider that stateobject.someProp will be overwritten with each loop execution, not sure if that's the intended behaviour.