This is a procedure to update multiple table's data in oracle , do not know where i am getting wrong as compiler is showing Error: ORA-00922: missing or invalid option error please help
I have checked the syntax I think it is correct .
create or replace procedure add_Course(
p_title_name in course.tilte%type,
p_course_id in course.course_id%type,
p_credits in course.credits%type,
p_program_id in PROGRAMS.program_id%type,
p_grade in PROGRAMS.grade%type,
p_room_type in classroom.room_type%type,
p_room_no in classroom.room_no%type,
p_sec_id in section.sec_id%type,
p_semester in section.semester%type,
p_year in section.year%type,
p_building in section.building%type)
cnt number;
select count(*) into cnt from course where title=p_title_name;
if cnt = 1 then
update course set credits=p_credits where title=p_title_name;
update program set program_id=p_program_id,semester=p_semester,year=p_year,grade=p_grade where course_id=p_course_id;
update classroom set room_type=p_room_tpe, room_no=p_room_no, building=p_building where COURSE_TYPE=p_course_type;
update section set sec_id=p_sec_id, semester=p_semestr, year=p_year,BUILDING=p_building,room_type=p_room_type where course_id=p_couse_id;
dbms_output.put_line('course detils is changed');
dbms_output.put_line('couser dose not exist');
end if;
There was some syntax error ,
There are several typos in your code: p_semestr, p_couse_id, p_room_tpe. Certainly your code won't compile until you correct those to be the actual parameter names