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Synced code from windows 7 to windows 10. Now have errors with line endings

I was working on a project last night in windows 7, i finished so used github-visual studio extension to sync with my repository. Pulled it up on my windows 10 machine this morning and all of a sudden i am getting a message saying that the file endings are inconsistent, so i tried both leaving them and changing them. No matter what i am doing i am getting this error:

Exception thrown at 0x75AD2CD2 in BreakoutDebug.exe: Microsoft C++ >exception: tle::CTLException at memory location 0x012FF5DC.

I have tried re-cloning the repository to see if that made any difference, but to no avail and also tried using the vs feature where it sorts out line ending inconsistencies for you

This is the line that is showing the error:

while (engine->IsRunning())
        //All code to move sprites goes here



  • It was that the framework i was using was vs2015 version and relied on old dependancies, updatedto 2017 version of framework and it works fine