Search code examples

MongoDB $lookup in an array of object with different value

I've got two MongoDB collections and i want to replace all the ID by image object.

Datset collection :

  _id: 5d888b3a29cf9a5e93d80756,
  date: 2019-09-23T11:33:00.000Z,
  robot: { _id: 5d9c7caf0ad3ea493210527b, name: 'erx01' },
      rgb: 5da57db7cacd6e00c2a0f677,
      ir: 5da57db7cacd6e00c2a0f678,
      lbl: 5da57db7cacd6e00c2a0f676 
      rgb: 5da5808f65f3440032edee78,
      ir: 5da5808f65f3440032edee79,
      lbl: 5da5808f65f3440032edee77 

Image collection :

  _id: 5da57db7cacd6e00c2a0f677,
  filename: 'iI7gVXyf31b1wedzBXD.png',
  metadata: [Object],
  type: 'RGB' 

That's what i tried and got as a result :

  $unwind: "$images"
  $lookup: {
    from: "image",
    localField: "images.rgb",
    foreignField: "_id",
    as: "images.rgb"
  $lookup: {
    from: "image",
    localField: "images.lbl",
    foreignField: "_id",
    as: "images.lbl"
  $lookup: {
    from: "image",
    localField: "",
    foreignField: "_id",
    as: ""

Result :

images: { 
         rgb: [ [Object] ], 
         ir: [ [Object] ], 
         lbl: [ [Object] ] 

What i want :

images : [
             rgb: [Object],
             ir:  [Object] , 
             lbl: [Object] 
           { ... }

It's half working because i got the right infos but not as a an array. i don't want an array of RGB / IR and LBL image but an array of object containing one single RGB/IR/LBL image.

i tried to use unwind too but i got nothing revelant.


  • Well you did half the things correct you just need to add group and project to change the output to your desired format

        $unwind: "$images"
        $lookup: {
          from: "image",
          localField: "images.rgb",
          foreignField: "_id",
          as: "images.rgb"
        $unwind: {
            "path": "$images.rgb",
            "preserveNullAndEmptyArrays": true
        $lookup: {
          from: "image",
          localField: "images.lbl",
          foreignField: "_id",
          as: "images.lbl"
       $unwind: {
            "path": "$images.lbl",
            "preserveNullAndEmptyArrays": true
        $lookup: {
          from: "image",
          localField: "",
          foreignField: "_id",
          as: ""
        $unwind: {
            "path": "$",
            "preserveNullAndEmptyArrays": true
        $group: {
          _id: {
            id: '$_id',
          date: { $last: '$date' },
          robot: { $last: '$robot' },
          images: { $push: '$images' }
        $project: {
          _id: '$',
          date: 1,
          robot: 1,
          images: 1

    Notice the $unwind after every lookup it is needed so that the output of lookup is not in array.