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redux-saga-test-plan: use expectSaga to simulate an thrown exception

Inside my saga, I call an api request.

function* sendRequestSaga(): SagaIterator {
    yield takeEvery(Actions.sendRequest.type, sendApiRequest);

function* sendApiRequest(action: Action<string>) {
    try {
        yield call(/*args for calling api*/);
    } catch (error) {
        // Handle error

I have created unit test for the success case. Now I want to create an unit test for the case that call api returns an exception.

it("Should handle exception correctly", () => {
    const expectedException = new Error("my expecting exception");
    return expectSaga(mySaga)
            [call(/*args for calling api*/), expectedException],
        .call(/*args for calling api*/)
            type: Actions.sendRequest.type,
            payload: /*args*/
        .then(() => {
            // My assertion

But this is not working cause provide only return a value for call method instead of throwing a new Error object. So, Error object is not caught. How can I simulate a throw Error action?


  • It turns out can be achieved by throwError() from redux-saga-test-plan

    import { throwError } from "redux-saga-test-plan/providers";
    it("Should handle exception correctly", () => {
        const expectedException = new Error("my expecting exception");
        return expectSaga(mySaga)
                [call(/*args for calling api*/), throwError(expectedException)],
            .call(/*args for calling api*/)
                type: Actions.sendRequest.type,
                payload: /*args*/
            .then(() => {
                // My assertion