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Is there a way to use a windowing function to keep a minimum total of 0 instead of having to have a loop?

I'm trying to avoid using a loop to have a running total. This is a simplified version; the real version includes subtotals by a couple of categories. I know I can do this using a windowing function [@Xata2], but I can't think of a non-loop way to do it if you restrict the total to non-negative (i.e., if the total is negative, use 0 instead) [@Xata3], because any conditions I put are on the current line, not the cumulative total.

    DECLARE   @Xata TABLE (
          ID            INTEGER IDENTITY
        , result        INTEGER

    DECLARE   @Xata2 TABLE (
          ID            INTEGER IDENTITY
        , result        INTEGER
        , total         INTEGER

    DECLARE   @Xata3 TABLE (
          ID            INTEGER IDENTITY
        , result        INTEGER
        , total         INTEGER

    DECLARE   @result   INTEGER
            , @total    INTEGER
            , @Counter  INTEGER

    INSERT INTO @Xata (result) SELECT ROUND(RAND()* 9 - 4.5, 0)
    INSERT INTO @Xata (result) SELECT ROUND(RAND()* 9 - 4.5, 0)
    INSERT INTO @Xata (result) SELECT ROUND(RAND()* 9 - 4.5, 0)
    INSERT INTO @Xata (result) SELECT ROUND(RAND()* 9 - 4.5, 0)
    INSERT INTO @Xata (result) SELECT ROUND(RAND()* 9 - 4.5, 0)
    INSERT INTO @Xata (result) SELECT ROUND(RAND()* 9 - 4.5, 0)
    INSERT INTO @Xata (result) SELECT ROUND(RAND()* 9 - 4.5, 0)
    INSERT INTO @Xata (result) SELECT ROUND(RAND()* 9 - 4.5, 0)
    INSERT INTO @Xata (result) SELECT ROUND(RAND()* 9 - 4.5, 0)
    INSERT INTO @Xata (result) SELECT ROUND(RAND()* 9 - 4.5, 0)


    INSERT INTO @Xata2
        SELECT    result
                , SUM(result) OVER (ORDER BY ID)
            FROM @Xata

    SELECT    ID
            , result
            , total AS total_x2_neg
        FROM @Xata2

    SET @Counter = 0

    WHILE @Counter < (SELECT MAX(ID) FROM @Xata)
            SET @Counter += 1

            SELECT @result = result FROM @Xata WHERE ID = @Counter
            SET @total = ISNULL((SELECT total FROM @Xata3 WHERE ID = @Counter - 1), 0)

            INSERT INTO @Xata3
                SELECT    @result
                        , IIF(@result + @total < 0, 0, @result + @total)


    SELECT    ID
            , result
            , total AS total_x3_noneg
        FROM @Xata3

enter image description here


  • My first attempt was not returning correctly, thank you @Menno for the hint.

    Try this approach with a recursive CTE

                          ,result INTEGER);
    INSERT INTO @Xata (result) VALUES(-3),(1),(2),(2),(0),(0),(-4),(-3),(2),(3);
    WITH recCte AS
        SELECT ID
              ,CASE WHEN result>0 THEN result ELSE 0 END AS runningTotalNoNeg 
        FROM @Xata 
        WHERE ID=1
        UNION ALL
        SELECT d.ID
              ,CASE WHEN r.runningTotalNoNeg + d.result > 0 then r.runningTotalNoNeg + d.result ELSE 0 END
        FROM @Xata d
        INNER JOIN recCte r ON d.ID=r.ID+1
    SELECT *
    FROM recCte;

    the result

    ID  rt  runningTotalNoNeg
    1  -3   0
    2   1   1
    3   2   3
    4   2   5
    5   0   5
    6   0   5
    7  -4   1
    8  -3   0
    9   2   2
    10  3   5