I am using AndroidStudio to build NDK based applications with C and C++ code.
The IDE goes overboard with warnings, like the one below:
How can I disable this and other gratuitous warnings from the IDE? Is this done on a per-project base, or an IDE setting? In any case, the deluge of warnings are not helping.
Release notes of Android Studio state:
Android Studio now includes support for static code analysis using Clang-Tidy for projects that include native code. To enable support for Clang-Tidy, update your NDK to r18 or higher. You can then enable or re-enable the inspections by opening the Settings or Preferences dialog and navigating to Editor > Inspections > C/C++ > General > Clang-Tidy. When selecting this inspection in the Settings or Preferences dialog, you can also see the list of Clang-Tidy checks that are enabled and disabled under the Option section of the right-most panel.
To disable the warnings just go to:
and uncheck Clang-tidy or edit the list of checks to disable those that annoy you.