I'd like to call an ODI Scenario from command line and wait until its done. I am using ODI 12c and installed a standalone agent. I already found out that you can use the startscen.cmd command and it works for me. The only problem is that cmd is not waiting for the scenario to be done. Any Suggestions to achieve sth like that?
My .bat-file looks like this:
cd C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\user_projects\domains\base_domain\bin
call startScen.cmd "-INSTANCE=CITestAgent" MAPPING 1_0_0 GLOBAL "-SESSION_NAME=TEST_RUN" "-AGENT-URL=http://localhost:20910/oraclediagent"
cd C:\Users\Redekera\documents\testFiles
"C:\Users\REDEKERA\Documents\instantclient_19_3\sqlplus.exe" db_user/pw@db/scheme @run_tests_lieferschein.sql
After that command i'd like to run an sql via sql*plus, which needs to wait until the scenario has finished.
Thanks for help guys :)
By default startscen.cmd will wait for the end of the execution to return.
This can be changed with parameter -ASYNC=yes
to start the execution asynchronously. In that case it would return the SESSION number that is useful to check the status of execution.