I am wondering if it is possible to track conversions based on the information Facebook provides. (FBID, @facebook.com email)
The only option I see is this
And I am still not sure if it would work. If I hashed the @facebook.com email that facebook provides us, would they still be able to associate that with the actual user that clicked the ad?
I am asking this question in relation to facebook message bots. At the moment the only built-in conversion tracking I see is a mutual conversation. I don't see of a way to actually track additional conversions throughout that conversation (for example a successful lead).
Little assistance please :).
Facebook recently added documentation for this
var request = require('request');
url : "https://graph.facebook.com/your-app-id/activities",
form: {
custom_events: JSON.stringify([{
_eventName: "fb_mobile_purchase",
_valueToSum: 55.22,
fb_currency: 'USD'
advertiser_tracking_enabled: 1,
application_tracking_enabled: 1,
extinfo: JSON.stringify(['mb1']),
page_id: your-page-id,
page_scoped_user_id: recipientId
}, function(err,httpResponse,body){
This would allow you to track a custom event, and then use that custom event ad a conversion.