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Return true/false on [strings in a cell] being found in [strings in another cell]?

Cell A1 contains multiple strings, eg "CAT DOG RAT GNU";

Cell B1 contains multiple strings, eg "RAT CAT";

How can I run a test (using formula in C1) to find if all the strings in B1 are present in cell A1?

  • Returning true/false would be good
  • Strings not necessarily in the same order, as example above
  • The number of items can vary
  • Multiple instances not a problem, so long as they're there
  • But returns true only if all items in cell B1 are present in cell A1.

So far I've tried transposed-split arrays with vlookups and matches, counts, etc, but nothing working for me. (And maybe regex won't do it as can't loop for each string?)


  • you can try:

     SUBSTITUTE(A1, " ", "|"))))))=1, TRUE))


    for more precision you can do:

     "^"&SUBSTITUTE(A1, " ", "$|^")&"$")))))=1, TRUE))


    then for case insensivity:

     "^"&SUBSTITUTE(LOWER(A1), " ", "$|^")&"$")))))=1, TRUE))


    and true ArrayFormula would be:

     REGEXMATCH(IF(SPLIT(B1:B, " ")<>"", SPLIT(LOWER(B1:B), " "), 0), 
     "^"&SUBSTITUTE(LOWER(A1:A), " ", "$|^")&"$"))),,999^99)), "FALSE"), FALSE, TRUE), ))
