I have been playing for a couple of days with a stateless Laravel API with JWT based authentication, where I store the token in a cookie.
All is well, except for the cookie (in)validation...
I set my cookie like so
Cookie::queue(Cookies::NAME, $token, (int) env('COOKIE_VALIDITY'), Cookies::PATH, env('COOKIE_DOMAIN'), env('COOKIE_SECURE'), Cookies::HTTPONLY, Cookies::RAW, Cookies::SAMESITE);
$redirectUrl = $request->query('redirectTo') ?? route('home');
return redirect($redirectUrl);
This works, it does set the cookie.
However, my cookie Expires/Max-Age seems to be one hour behind, always.
(when it is actually 9:51)
The cookies gets sent correctly on all subsequent requests though.
The biggest problem however, is cookie invalidation. My logout action looks like this
return redirect('/login')->withCookies([Cookie::forget(Cookies::NAME)]);
The action gets called to, but the cookie remains unchanged.
I also tried with the cookie()->forget()
helper, this has the same result.
Any clues to what I am doing wrong here?
Ps: I do see that laravel by default adds a session cookie as well, I suppose this is normal, due to the fact that I reach the site as an anonymous user and therefor receive a session for that? Im asking because the challange for me is to have a full stateless API that only uses server side rendered login page and then redirects back to some kind of SPA.
All help is much appreciated.
To whom it may concern, I have found the problem. Apparently, specifying the cookie name is not sufficient.
return redirect('/login')->withCookies([Cookie::forget(Cookies::NAME, Cookies::PATH, env('COOKIE_DOMAIN'))]);
Works perfectly.