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Oracle - replace string by appearance

I have an interesting issue here, if you could share your thoughts ... I changed data a bit, but structure is same

create table TestReplace (Description varchar2(500), ParamValue1 number, ParamValue2 number, ParamValue3 number);
insert into TestReplace (Description) values ('This sentence has no parameteres, and it should be shown like this');
insert into TestReplace (Description, ParamValue1) values ('This sentence has only one parametere, and it should be shown right here {param} with rest of text', 100);
insert into TestReplace (Description, ParamValue1, ParamValue2) values ('This sentence has two parameteres, one here {param} and one here {param}, show full sentence', 100, 200);
insert into TestReplace (Description, ParamValue1, ParamValue2, ParamValue3) values ('This sentence has all parameteres, here {param} and here {param} and there {param}', 100, 200, 300);


In my sentence I have occurrences of a word {param} sometimes or never ... and columns ParamValue1, ParamValue2, ParamValue3 ... How could I replace first occurences of a word {param} with value of column ParamValue1, second word {param} with value of column ParamValue2 and third with value of column ParamValue3

I tried something like this ...

select CASE WHEN ParamValue1 IS NULL 
    THEN Description 
    substr(Description, 1, INSTR(Description,'{param}', 1, 1) - 1) || ParamValue1 ||
        CASE WHEN ParamValue2 IS NULL 
            THEN substr(Description, INSTR(Description,'{param}', 1, 1) + 7, LENGTH(Description) - INSTR(Description,'{param}', 1, 1) + 6)
        WHEN ParamValue2 IS NOT NULL THEN
            substr(Description, INSTR(Description,'{param}', 1, 1) + 7, INSTR(Description,'{param}', 1, 2) + 6 - INSTR(Description,'{param}', 1, 1) + 6) || ParamValue2
from TestReplace

But it's not getting me anywhere, and personally don't think this will be pretty / fast on larger set of rows

So how could I accomplish this text replacement?


  • Use nested invocations of REGEXP_REPLACE:

                                                        '{param}', PARAMVALUE1, 1, 1),
                                         '{param}', PARAMVALUE2, 1, 1),
                          '{param}', PARAMVALUE3, 1, 1)

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