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Differentiate between return value and error in C

I am trying to write a function that takes a linked list, an index and returns the value at the index+1 position.

int getData(list *l, int index) {
    if(...) { 
        return result; // this could be -1

    else {
        return -1;

In C you return a value of -1 when the function fails (as a way to let the user know that the call failed because of bad input). However, because the return type of this function is int, it includes the value of -1 (-1 as a number, as well ass -2, -3 etc)

My question is: Is there a mechanism in which you can return from your function and make the user of the function aware that the returned value is in fact an error and not a value?


  • Return the value by passing a pointer and make the return value an error statement:

    int getData(list *l, int inIndex, int* outIndex) {
        if(...) { 
            *outIndex = result;
            return 0;
        else {
            return -1;