I have to make JSON from the table. Problem is, that I have to show NULL values, but hide all fixed constant values.
For example, I have dataset #table
. In the JSON output I want to show all values, where Value != 0
Deleting row (select Value from #table where cn = 'c') as 'c'
isn't an option.
How can I do that?
create table #table (
Value int,
cn nvarchar(1)
insert into #table
(null, 'a'),
(null, 'b'),
(0, 'c'),
(3, 'd'),
(3, 'f')
(select Value from #table where cn = 'a') as 'a',
(select Value from #table where cn = 'b') as 'b',
(select Value from #table where cn = 'c') as 'c',
(select Value from #table where cn = 'd') as 'd',
(select Value from #table where cn = 'f') as 'f'
Expected output would be:
You can do it with a dynamic sql. I use conditional aggregation to pivot the table.
declare @cmd nvarchar(max) = 'select ' + stuff(
(select ', max(case cn when ''' + cn + ''' then value end) as ''' + cn +''''
from #table
where value <> 0 or value is null
for xml path(''))
, 1, 1, '') + ' from #table FOR JSON PATH, INCLUDE_NULL_VALUES';
--select @cmd;
exec (@cmd);
Another option builds on the type of the value
column (int
), so 0.5
is impossible as a column value. Cast the original values to decimal, then replace impossible values with null
and remove decimal point and 0
after it.
select replace(replace(
max(case cn when 'a' then value end) 'a',
max(case cn when 'b' then value end) 'b',
max(case cn when 'c' then value end) 'c',
max(case cn when 'd' then value end) 'd',
max(case cn when 'f' then value end) 'f'
select coalesce(cast(value as decimal), 0.5) value, cn
from #table
where value <> 0 or value is null) t
,'0.5', 'null'), '.0', '');