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Vue Cli 3 disabling code splitting - Can't get rid of the hash file

I have a vue.config.js setup that works nicely and cancels the default code splitting.

But It's still outputs a CSS file with a hash identical to the CSS file with the nice name. I can write a script to delete it, but I wonder if there is a way to set the file to not output the CSS file with the hash.


const webpack = require("webpack");
const MiniCssExtractPlugin = require("mini-css-extract-plugin");
module.exports = {
  outputDir: "../assets/",
  configureWebpack: {
    plugins: [
      new MiniCssExtractPlugin({
        filename: "/css/sales-report.css"
    output: {
      filename: "./js/sales-report.js"
  chainWebpack: config => {

The command line output looks like: screenshot

I would like to output only ../assets/js/sales-report.js and ../assets/css/sales-report.css, and I didn't find the correct setting to cancel the output of ../assets/css/app.fd4aa059.css.

If you want to test, this config will work any Vue CLI 3 project. What setting am I missing to cancel this file?


  • Vue CLI projects already use mini-css-extract-plugin, so inserting a new one in configureWebpack would result in duplicate CSS processing, as you discovered.

    Instead, you could configure the existing plugin through css.extract in vue.config.js. It should look similar to this:

    // vue.config.js
    module.exports = {
      configureWebpack: {
        output: {
          filename: "./js/sales-report.js"
      chainWebpack: config => {
      css: {
        extract: {
          filename: "/css/sales-report.css"