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The radio button <b-form-radio-group> is not checked (turning blue)

I'm using Bootstrap-vue.JS to make a group of radio button. I have a reset function to have one of radio button checked. when I call the function, the value of the radio button is change as I expected, but the radio button itself does not showing its changed (the circle is not turning blue)

here is the template

<b-row md="9" align-h="center">
   <b-form-radio value="Request">Request</b-form-radio>
   <b-form-radio value="Complain">Complain</b-form-radio>
   <b-form-radio value="Saran">Saran</b-form-radio>
   <b-form-radio value="Pujian">Pujian</b-form-radio>
{{ voc_type }}

Here is the initialization when the vue is created

export default{
   voc_type: 'Request',

Here is the reset function

 this.voc_type= 'Request'

when I call the reset(), the output of {{ voc_type }} is "Request" as I expected, but the radio button is not turning blue. idk why..


  • I implemented a reset buttons, it works as expected now:

        <b-row md="9" align-h="center">
            <b-form-radio-group id="radio-group-1" v-model="voc_type" name="radio-options">
              <b-form-radio value="Request">Request</b-form-radio>
              <b-form-radio value="Complain">Complain</b-form-radio>
              <b-form-radio value="Saran">Saran</b-form-radio>
              <b-form-radio value="Pujian">Pujian</b-form-radio>
        {{ voc_type }}
        <b-btn @click="reset()">Reset</b-btn>
    export default {
      data() {
        return {
          voc_type: 'Request'
      methods: {
        reset() {
          this.voc_type = 'Request';

    There is a typo in your data function due to this the Vue reactivity probably didn't work correctly

      data() { <-- correct this line 
        return {
          voc_type: 'Request'