I would like to create a live photo from mov and jpg files. I found the LivePhoto library https://github.com/LimitPoint/LivePhoto
When I call generate function, I get an error - " Missing argument for parameter 'completion' in call".
@IBAction func saveLivePhoto(imageUrl: URL, videoUrl: URL){
LivePhoto.generate(from: imageUrl, videoURL: videoUrl, progress: { percent in }, completion: { livePhoto, resources in
What should I do to solve this problem?
You have missed to add completion block parameter in LivePhoto.saveToLibrary function call. Try the code below:
@IBAction func saveLivePhoto(imageUrl: URL, videoUrl: URL){
LivePhoto.generate(from: imageUrl, videoURL: videoUrl, progress: { percent in }, completion: { livePhoto, resources in
LivePhoto.saveToLibrary(resources!) { (bool) in