I have started using Winium automation tool to automate windows apps. I am new to this tool and I am not finding any documentation for solving my doubts.
Following is the basic code that I have refered to start using Winium.
import time
from selenium import webdriver
driver = webdriver.Remote(
"debugConnectToRunningApp": 'false',
"app": r"C:/windows/system32/notepad.exe"
window = driver.find_element_by_class_name("Notepad")
window.send_keys("example text")
My query is how we inspect elements in windows applications ? Above code will open Notepad and will type "example text" in it.It finds the text field using driver.find_element_by_class_name("Notepad").Similarly how can I inspect other elements of the Notepad window.Like File menu option? Also it would be really nice if anyone provides me link for a documentation of Winium.
To find the element OR properties of a windows application we use “Inspect.exe” which is available by default in windows if not just download it.It gives all the properties of a desktop application to control it.
For More information about Windows based UI Inspector refer this : more info
Also you can use : UI SPY