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How to merge a map of types into a single flat type in TypeScript

What I need

I have an undetermined number of mods in an input object:

const mod1 = {
  actions: {
    a() { },
    b() { },

const mod2 = {
  actions: {
    c() { },
    d() { },

const input = {
  mods: {

At run time, a lib merges the mods in a single object which is equivalent to:

const output = {
  actions: {
    a() { },
    b() { },
    c() { },
    d() { },

And I would like to create a type that would describe this single object.

What I tried

The input objects can be described like that:

interface Input {
  mods: Mods

interface Mods {
  [name: string]: Mod

interface Mod {
  actions: {
    [name: string]: () => void

Then, I don't know how to merge the content of mods:

interface ToOutput<I extends Input> {
  actions: MergeMods<I["mods"]>

type MergeMods<M extends Mods> = // How to merge the content of 'M'?


  • Here is a solution:

    type Output = ToOutput<(typeof input)["mods"]>
    interface ToOutput<I extends Mods> {
      actions: UnionToIntersection<I[keyof I]["actions"]>
    type UnionToIntersection<U> =
      (U extends any ? (k: U) => void : never) extends ((k: infer I) => void) ? I : never


    The following type:

    interface ToOutput<I extends Input> {
        actions: UnionToIntersection<I["mods"][keyof I["mods"]]["actions"]>

    first uses keyof and lookups to map the Input type to match the output structure

    interface ToOutputStep1<I extends Input> {
        actions: I["mods"][keyof I["mods"]]["actions"]
    type T1 = {
          | { a: {}; b: {}; }
          | { c: {}; d: {}; };
    type T1 = ToOutputStep1<typeof input>

    and then converts the actions union type to an intersection type.

    type T2 = {
        actions: {
            a: {};
            b: {};
            c: {};
            d: {};
    type T2 = ToOutput<typeof input>
