Search code examples

Proper wildcard multi field query with the official mongo-go-driver

I have a database field:

            "sessionid": "C-dhf",
            "given": "NURSE ",
            "family": "SHARK",
            "name": "SHARK, NURSE",

I am attempting to create a query that will query the db looking for records that family starts with "s" given name starts with "n". I am using the following to create the filter.

        {"sessionid", "C-dhf"},
        {"$and", bson.A{
            bson.D{{"family", primitive.Regex{Pattern: "^s", Options: "i"}}},
            bson.D{{"given", primitive.Regex{Pattern: "^n", Options: "i"}}},

The filter value used in the find is:

[{sessionid C-dhf} {$and [[{family {"pattern": "^s", "options": "i"}}] [{given {"pattern": "^n", "options": "i"}}]]}]

The find is:

cursor, err := collection.Find(context.TODO(), filter, findOptions)

It returns all records in the db as though it is not even looking at the filter.

What is the proper go syntax for a multiple field wildcard query?


  • By default all listed conditions are in logical AND connection ($and), so you don't need to add that:

    filter := bson.D{
        {"sessionid", "C-dhf"},
        {"family", primitive.Regex{Pattern: "^s", Options: "i"}},
        {"given", primitive.Regex{Pattern: "^n", Options: "i"}},

    The syntax and structure you used would be appropriate if you'd wanted logical OR connection: if you'd wanted documents with given session ID, and whose family name starts with s or given name starts with n. That could look like this:

    filter := bson.D{
        {"sessionid", "C-dhf"},
        {"$or", bson.A{
            bson.D{{"family", primitive.Regex{Pattern: "^s", Options: "i"}}},
            bson.D{{"given", primitive.Regex{Pattern: "^n", Options: "i"}}},