For my assignment, the our programs are tested by running them through the command line, as they take arguments in the forms of file names, so I have to make sure my program runs when run through the command line. When I compile it without issue through jGrasp and eclipse, but when I attempt to compile it through the command line, this is what I get: error: cannot access T Collections.sort(studentObjects, idSorter); class file for T not found
I don't know what T is, and I've never used T as a class in my programs?
Relevant code:
Main Class:
package ClearyAssignment5;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.*;
public class Cleary {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//import the input file and add each line to an ArrayList of the students
File input = new File(args[0]);
Scanner source = new Scanner(input);
ArrayList<String> listOfStudents=new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<Student> studentObjects = new ArrayList<Student>();
StudentIDComparator idSorter = new StudentIDComparator();
Collections.sort(studentObjects, idSorter);
FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(args[1]);
PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(writer);
for(int i=0;i<listOfStudents.size();i++){
} catch(Exception e) {
System.out.println("Usage: ClearyAssignment4.Cleary input_file output_file");
Student Class:
package ClearyAssignment5;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.lang.*;
import jva.util.*;
public class Student {
//Initialize varaibles
String name;
int ID;
float GPA;
public Student(String studentName, int studentID, float studentGPA){
//Take the parameters which are passed in, and set them to the variables.
name = studentName;
ID = studentID;
GPA = studentGPA;
public int getID() {
return ID;
Comparator Class:
package ClearyAssignment5;
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
class StudentIDComparator implements Comparator<Student> {
public int compare(Student a, Student b) {
return a.ID - b.ID;
I've removed some of the code which doesn't seem necessary for brevity... any help would be appreciated!
T is a conventional name given to a Generic Type Parameter, which is used for Java's Generics system*. I'm not sure why the compiler choked on it, but the generics system in general has some occasional weird hiccups.
Imagine you are writing a class to hold a list of students. You want to be able to query if a person is on that list, as well as add people to that list. For now, this class will represent a course roster, so that professors can ensure that nobody is sneaking into their classes. Here is what the class will look like:
public class StudentList {
public boolean isOnList(Student s) { ... }
public void addToList(Student s) { ... }
Then imagine you need to create a new version of this class for the staff party at the end of the year, because only some staff are eligible (those who passed their performance review).
public class StaffList {
public boolean isOnList(Staff s) { ... }
public void addToList(Staff s) { ... }
Next, somebody asks you to create a new version of this class to keep track of the TAs for a course, since you can only pass assignments to grade to eligible TAs. You'd create yet another class:
public class TAList {
public boolean isOnList(TA t) { ... }
public void addToList(TA t) { ... }
You eventually get tired of writing such similar classes, so you want to create a single class which can perform all these functions. You would do so using Generics, so that client code can make a PersonList<Student>
to hold Student
s, a PersonList<Staff>
to hold Staff
, a PersonList<TA>
to hold TA
s, and any other type of class you want.
public class PersonList<T> {
public boolean isOnList(T t) { ... }
public void addToList(T t) { ... }
The T
is a generic type parameter here. When creating an instance of the class PersonList
, you pass it a type inside the angle brackets. Then that type replaces all instances of T
. The convention is to use single letter names, such as T
for type, E
for element, K
for key, V
for value, etc.