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SwiftUI : Picker does not update correctly when changing datasource

I have just started learning SwiftUI and got stuck somewhere!

I am trying to change segment styled picker datasource when changing value of another segment. But somehow it is not working as expected! Or else I might have coded something wrong. Can anyone figure it out please?

Here is my piece of code:

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {    

@State var selectedType = 0
@State var inputUnit = 0
@State var outputUnit = 1

let arrTypes = ["Temperature", "Length"]

var arrData: [String] {
    switch self.selectedType {
    case 0:
        return ["Celsius", "Fahrenheit", "Kelvin"] //Temperature
    case 1:
        return ["meters", "kilometers", "feet", "yards", "miles"] //Length        
        return ["Celsius", "Fahrenheit", "Kelvin"]

var body: some View {
            Section(header: Text("Choose type"))
                Picker("Convert", selection: $selectedType) {
                    ForEach(0 ..< 2, id: \.self)
                    { i in

            Section(header: Text("From"))
                Picker("", selection: $inputUnit) {
                    ForEach(0 ..< arrData.count, id: \.self)

            Section(header: Text("To"))
                Picker("", selection: $outputUnit) {
                    ForEach(0 ..< arrData.count, id: \.self)


When I change segment from Length back to Temperature it merges the array somehow. I tried to debug and print the arrData count in log, then it prints correct result but not updating the UI!

First segment selected by default: enter image description here

Change segment:

enter image description here

Change segment back to first:

enter image description here

Any help or suggestion would greatly be appreciated.


  • Nick Polychronakis solved it in this fork:

    The solution is to add .id(:identifier:) to your picker so it is unique.

    Observable var:

    @State var unit = 0

    Main picker:

    Picker("Length", selection: $unit) {
                        ForEach(0 ..< inputUnitTypes.count) {

    One of secondary pickers which content is determined by the unit variable.

    Picker("Length", selection: $inputUnit) {
                            ForEach(0 ..< selected.count) {