I am running Samza to consume messages off of a given Kafka topic in Scala. In order to run, I created a samza-read.properties file which contains:
Yet, when I run my program I keep getting the exception:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: kafka/common/ReplicaNotAvailableException
at org.apache.samza.system.kafka.KafkaSystemFactory.getAdmin(KafkaSystemFactory.scala:106)
I believe this has to deal with systems.kafka.samza.factory=org.apache.samza.system.kafka.KafkaSystemFactory
but maybe someone has fallen upon this exception before. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Looks like you have one of the following problems with your build:
You are missing the Kafka jar (eg: org.apache.kafka_kafka_.jar) in your class path
The version of the Kafka jar in your class path is incompatible with the what getAdmin
is expecting
You possibly have 2 versions of the Kafka jar (one correct + one incorrect) and the JVM is picking up the incorrect one (fix here is to exclude the bad version in your build)