Up until Android Q, if we wanted to get information about an APK file, we could use WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE and READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to get access to the storage, and then use PackageManager.getPackageArchiveInfo function on the file-path.
Similar cases exist, such as using ZipFile class on a compressed file, and probably countless framework APIs and third party libraries.
Google announced a huge amount of restrictions recently on Android Q.
One of them is called Scoped Storage, which ruins storage permission when it comes to accessing all files the device has. It lets you either handle media files, or use the very restricted Storage-Access-Framework (SAF) which can't allow apps to reach and use files using File API and file-paths.
When Android Q Beta 2 was published, it broke a lot of apps because of it, including of Google. The reason was that it was turned on by default, affecting all apps, whether they target Android Q or not.
The reason is that many apps, SDKs and Android framework itself - all use File API quite often. On many cases, they also don't support InputStream or SAF-related solutions. An example for this is exactly the APK parsing example I wrote about (PackageManager.getPackageArchiveInfo).
On Q beta 3, however, things changed a bit, so that app that target Q will have the scoped storage, and there is a flag to disable it and still use the normal storage permissions and File API as usual. Sadly the flag is only temporary (read here), so it's delaying the inevitable .
I've tried and found the next things:
Using the storage permission indeed didn't let me read any file that's not media file (I wanted to find APK files). It's as if the files don't exist.
Using SAF, I could find the APK file, and with some workaround to find its real path (link here), I've noticed that File API can tell me that indeed the file exist, but it couldn't get its size, and the framework failed to use its path using getPackageArchiveInfo
. Wrote about this here
I tried to make a symlink to the file (link here), and then read from the symlink. It didn't help.
For the case of parsing APK files, I tried to search for alternative solutions. I've found 2 github repositories that handle the APK using a File class (here and here), and one that uses InputStream instead ( here). Sadly the one that uses InputStream is very old, missing various features (such as getting the app's name and icon) and isn't going to be updated anytime soon. Besides, having a library requires maintenance to keep up with future versions of Android, otherwise it might have issues in the future, or even crash.
Generally, is there a way to still use File API when using SAF ? I'm not talking about root solutions or just copying the file to somewhere else. I'm talking about a more solid solution.
For the case of APK parsing, is there a way to overcome this issue that the framework only provides file-path as a parameter? Any workaround or a way to use InputStream perhaps?
How to handle SAF when I can only handle File or file-path? It is possible, even if you can send only a Java File object, or path string to a library function which you cannot modify:
First, obtain a Uri to a file you need to handle (in String form it would be like "content://..."), then:
try {
ParcelFileDescriptor parcelFileDescriptor =
getContentResolver().openFileDescriptor(uri, "r"); // may get FileNotFoundException here
// Obtain file descriptor:
int fd = parcelFileDescriptor.getFd(); // or detachFd() if we want to close file in native code
String linkFileName = "/proc/self/fd/" + fd;
// Call library function with path/file string:
someFunc(/*file name*/ linkFileName);
// or with File parameter
otherFunc(new File(linkFileName));
// Finally, if you did not call detachFd() to obtain the file descriptor, call:
// Otherwise your library function should close file/stream...
} catch (FileNotFoundException fnf) {
fnf.printStackTrace(); // or whatever