i'm new at powershell coding and what i'm trying to do is to import a CSV files with an unknown number of lines and then split it every 10 lines to a new CSV file.
Example if I input a CSV file of 97 lines, I expect 9 files of 10 lines and 1 file of 7 lines.
i tried the following, the Hostlist.csv contains 35 hostname, i'm getting 3 files, the first file missing the first host in the list and there is no 4th file with remaining host.
$Hostlist = Get-Content '.\Hostlist.csv'
$BatchID = Get-Random
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path .\$BatchID
$MaxBatch = 10
$line = 0
$i = 0
$File = 0
While ($line -lt $Hostlist.Length) {
if ($i -gt $MaxBatch) {
$Start = $line - $MaxBatch
$Hostlist[$Start..($line-1)] | Out-File ".\$BatchID\Batch$File.csv" -Append -force
$i = 0
As an aside:
If your input file is a CSV file and you want your output files to be CSV files too, you'd have to write a header line to each.
Your code makes no attempt to do so, so I'm assuming you're simply dealing with line-oriented plain-text files, despite the .csv
filename extension.
the first file missing the first host
Since your condition for processing a batch is $i -gt $MaxBatch
, $i
and $line
are both 11
when you enter the if
block first, and $Start = $line - $MaxBatch
is therefore 1
, i.e. the second line, given that $Start
is used as a 0
-based array index.
there is no 4th file with remaining host.
Since you're only processing a batch if $i -gt $MaxBatch
, an input file whose line count that isn't evenly divisible by $MaxBatch
will always be missing its last batch, because the last, incomplete batch then never satisfies the if
I suggest simplifying your code by calculating the number of batches and looping batch by batch, as shown in the following simplified example, which partitions a 10-line input into batches of 3:
# Simulate the list of hosts
$HostList = 1..10 -replace '^', 'host$&' # 'host1', 'host2', ...
# Batch size
$MaxBatch = 3
foreach ($batch in 1..[math]::Ceiling($Hostlist.Count / $MaxBatch)) {
write-verbose -Verbose "File index (batch number): $batch"
$startNdx = ($batch-1) * $MaxBatch
$Hostlist[$startNdx..($startNdx + $MaxBatch - 1)]
Note how use of [math]::Ceiling()
on the batch-count calculation $Hostlist.Count / $MaxBatch
ensures that an incomplete batch at the end is also processed.
Unless you have Set-StrictMode -Version 3
or higher in effect, it is fine to exceed the upper array bound in the ..
range expression used to slice the array in a final, incomplete batch - PowerShell will simply ignore indices beyond the upper bound.
The above yields:
VERBOSE: File index (batch number): 1
VERBOSE: File index (batch number): 2
VERBOSE: File index (batch number): 3
VERBOSE: File index (batch number): 4