I am trying to deploy an Angular7 application in Google App Engine with backend endpoints in python2.7.And here I am getting handlers error:
Static file referenced by handler not found: dist/_ah/api/sampleApi/v1/users
Both Angular dist folder and API's when configured in app.yaml fails.
If API's configuration is removed from app.yaml Angular website works. If Angular dist is removed from app.yaml API's work from the postman.
- url: /
static_files: dist/index.html
upload: dist/index.html
secure: always
- url: /
static_dir: dist
- url: /_ah/api/.*
script: sample.api
My project Structure is:
-- app.yaml
-- endpoint source code files
-- dist folder (for angular)
I figured it out by adding two more extra handlers to my app.yaml file:
It's working now.