I live in a very safety/critical Ada-ic environment, and have taken the habit of having well defined and bounded type definition. I am also confronted to lots ASN1 usage/evangelists.
One of the key features that some people around me define as superior in ASN1 over protocol buffers is the ability to define, and therefore check, data range.
Usual numerical types definition such as int32
, int64
is out of scope here.
Solutions I've tried / Solution finding process:
I read this Google overview and found no reference to any data range definition. Except for features concerning the enum management/representation, and some ordering features.
To give some other references, I heard of/read the links below and became aware of an Ada implementation project.
It's true that protocol buffers do not have any built-in mechanism for numeric range.
The syntax however does support defining custom options:
extend google.protobuf.FieldOptions {
optional int32 maxval = 50001;
optional int32 minval = 50002;
message MyMessage {
required int32 month = 1 [(minval) = 1, (maxval) = 12];
Depending on library used, these can then either be accessed in runtime using reflection, or you can use a custom code generator to automatically generate verification code.