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C++ - How am I misusing ignore with istringstream?

I plan in main code to ask user to input phone number in form of (800) 555-1212, which will be sent to my PhoneNumber constructor then sent to setPhoneNumber for breaking it up, setting my private variables, and analysis for errors. Additionally, I wanted to write my setPhoneNumber code so it accounts for user errors in the original input. My PhoneNumber.h code is:

// PhoneNumber.h

#include <string>

class PhoneNumber {
      short areaCode;
      short exchange;
      short line;
      PhoneNumber(std::string number);
      void setPhoneNumber(std::string number);
      void printPhoneNumber() const;

And here is my PhoneNumber.cpp code

// PhoneNumber.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <cctype>
#include "PhoneNumber.h"

PhoneNumber::PhoneNumber(std::string number) {

void PhoneNumber::setPhoneNumber(std::string number) {
   bool areaCodeDone = false;
   bool exchangeDone = false;
   int length = number.length();
   std::istringstream iss(number);
   for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
      if (! areaCodeDone) {
         if (! std::isdigit(number[i])) {
            std::string str;
            iss >> std::ignore();
         else {
            iss >> std::setw(3) >> areaCode;
            areaCodeDone = true;
      else if (! exchangeDone) {
         if (! std::isdigit(number[i])) {
            iss >> std::ignore();
         else {
            iss >> std::setw(3) >> exchange;
            exchangeDone = true;
      else {
         if (! std::isdigit(number[i])) {
            iss >> std::ignore();
         else {
            if (length - i < 4) {
               throw std::invalid_argument("Something wrong with phone number entry.");
            else {
               iss >> std::setw(4) >> line;

The errors I get are on my lines with std::ignore, but I don't know how I am using it incorrectly. Error from g++ compiler is:

PhoneNumber.cpp:23:32: error: no match for call to ‘(const std::_Swallow_assign) ()’

iss >> std::ignore();


  • std::ignore() has a very different purpose than what you are hoping to accomplish. Instead of

    iss >> std::ignore();



    You can see the documentation of std::istream::ignore() and example usage at