I've created a map that exceeded 20,000 in x coordinates (east of los santos) and i've set my SetPlayerWorldBounds(playerid, 500000.00, -2000.00, 2000.00, -500000.00) and used the latest version of incognito plugin but when I reached more than 20,000 in x coordinates the objects won't load any more further and my car spawner script does not work anymore too.
What might be the possible cause of this and is there a way to fix this so I can map further?
Here's my code:
All of my Objects are inside game mode in the function OnGameModeInit()
P.S. I have only less than 1,500 Dynamic objects
The server ignores any player updates that exceed 20000 or -20000 in X or Y axis and reports the last position that was within the bounds, making the streamer think you haven't moved. To increase the boundaries, you can use SetSyncBounds
in YSF:
const Float:FLOAT_INFINITY = Float:0x7F800000;
This will accept any finite coordinates, which should be enough for any map.