Recently I migrated from Google Analytics / Crashlytics / Fabric to Firebase. I notice on Firebase there is a metric called Daily User Engagement:
While on Fabric there is "Time in App Per User":
I was just wondering, what is the difference between these two? I also did a major update of my app when started using Firebase, so wanted to compare how the user engagement changed or stayed the same. Thanks.
Both metrics measure similar things, but slightly differently, due to different SDK's being used between Fabric and Firebase for gathering Analytics data.
For Daily User Engagement, this is based on the number of users who have your app in the foreground each day for long enough to trigger the user_engagement Analytics event, which gets triggered periodically.
The Time in App metric is a measure of how long a daily active user is active in the app on a specific day. A user can have multiple sessions in a day which would be included in the Time in App metric.
So, if a user were to look at your app for a minute each time, and use it three times times a day, then his time in app would be 3 minutes.